- B.Sc. Mahidol University ( Nursing and midwifery )
- Certificate of post-partum care with Thai Traditional Medication Department of Thai Medication and Alternative Medication, Ministry of Public Health
Master of Science (Mathernal & child health) Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
- B.Ed. (Primary Education) Sukhothai Thammathirat University
- Registered Thai traditional midwifery No. ¾·.¼.ó÷óø
Experience :
- Permanent Nurse, Pediatric Ward of Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University for 2 years (1982-1984)
- Permanent Nurse, Neonatal Intensive care unit, Bangkok Christian Hospital for 2 years (1984-1987)
- Instructor of Faculty of Nursing Science Rangsit University, teaching to students of Nursing Science Faculty for 5 years
- Owner Business's Children Booster Center & Nursery and Geriatrics Home Care from 1992-Present
- Special Lecturer, Health Science Branch, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University for 1 years (1990-1991)
- Licensee Certificate to open private children nursing center
(Day-Care) by the approval of Department of Public welfare from 2001-Present
- Licensee Certificate to open private Paninun Boriruk School by the Approval of Ministry of Education from 2003-Present
- Owner's Ruen Peeranun from 2003 - Present
Instructor :
Khun Siriwan Lohthongkham |
- Bachelor of Service Politic Science, Ramkhamhaeng University
- Certificate of Pharmaceutical of Thai Traditional Medication, Department of Thai Medication and Alternative Medication, Ministry of Public Health
- Graduate Medical Doctor from Ramathibodee Hospital, Mahidol University since 1987
- General Medical Practice since 1988-Preant
- Master of Business Administration from Thamasat University since 1994
- Geriatric Home care and Medical Supply; Children Booster Center and Nursery
- Interested in Alternative Medicine, Macrobiotic and Cheevajit